10 Simple Ways To Make Your Company’s Ad Pop

Design with Style for More Home Improvement Leads

Designing an advertisement for today’s consumers is a tough job.  Construction and remodeling companies constantly struggle with designing creative advertisements capture home improvement leads.

Today’s design trends show that less is really more.  The less confusion you put into an advertisement, the greater the number of home improvement leads. Whether it be a direct mailer or a magazine ad your home improvement marketing team developed there are common elements that make an effective advertisement.

10 simple ways to really make advertisements pop, and bring in your home improvement leads.

1. Be Single-Minded.home-improvement-marketing-lead-generation-advertisements-work

Always focus on one clear and objective message.  Often remodeling companies will stuff in several different messages attempting to get more home improvement leads from one flyer.  Stick to one core offer/message/product per advertisement to receive the most bang for your buck and get the most home improvement leads.

2. Say it with Sparkle.

Craftsmanship is key to a really compelling ad.  Make your copy memorable, short and to the point.  A catchy slogan or word play will be the best for your customers resulting in more home improvement leads.

3. Make it Long, or Make it Short.

There are no clear cut rules on how long your copy should be in an advertisement, but remember you want to make your customers READ the ad.   Don’t stuff too much information in a small advertisement, or your chances for capturing home improvement leads will be lost forever.

4. A picture is worth a 1000 home improvement leads.

We are in the business of remodeling, home improvement, and design build- so why wouldn’t you want to put a picture of your amazing work?  Remember though, make the picture look realistic, but not too real.  Your customer’s wouldn’t want to buy a “used” bathroom would they?  Make sure all of your images are professional, staged shots of your recent work–not Mrs. Jone’s bathroom with her toothbrush on the counter.  One good picture could bring in many home improvement leads.

5.  Shout Why You Are Special.

Focus on what makes your home improvement or remodeling company different and distinct from your competitors.  If you’re a manufacturer–what exclusive features and benefits do your products have?  Give compelling reasons why consumers and your next home improvement leads would believe you and buy your products.

6. Parrots are Not Necessary Here.

Don’t copy what is already being done.   In order to captivate the most home improvement leads, have your advertisements stand out and be different.  If you are copying off of another ad, chances are your advertisement will be passed by.

7. Don’t Over-Explain.

An advertisement that explains too much will be lost with potential home improvement leads.  Don’t sound like a broken record, and only tell the information that you audience needs to hear.  Remember the goal of your advertisements should be to have your customers call you to get more information on your products or services.

8. Be Careful to Not Talk Down.

Never make your customers feel that they can’t understand the language in your ad.  Keep your information light and to the point.  Educating your customers can be the most beneficial source for new home improvement leads.

9. Plan Ahead.

Every company should have a calendar for their marketing plans.  In order to receive the best home improvement leads, know your audience and know when is the most effective for them to receive your marketing messages.

10. Follow the Plan.

By following all of the steps above for your advertisements, your company should begin to pull in many home improvement leads!  Keep fighting through the clutter and make your direct marketing efforts work!

Stuck designing an ad? Reach out to The Marketing Corner and learn about our professional and experienced design capabilities.

How are your advertisements working?

What is your secret to bringing in those home improvement leads?


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