5 Steps To Improve Your Home Improvement Company’s SEO This New Year

Your Home Improvement Company’s SEO New Year resolutions should start with a review of your remodeling company’s website content. Learn how to give your website visibility, boost traffic and connect with potential home improvement leads.


The truth is, by neglecting your home improvement company’s website and SEO strategy, your remodeling company:

  • Has little visibility
  • Is missing out on valuable Google traffic opportunities to gain more home improvement leads
  • Is missing out on opportunities to learn about, connect to and engage with potential remodeling clients.


So with the New Year upon us, it is the perfect time to kick-start your home improvement company’s SEO strategy. To get your remodeling company’s website ready for to promote it, and use for home improvement lead generation opportunities, start with a simple review of your home improvement company’s website content.

Step 1: Review your remodeling company’s keyword/keyphrase strategy for lead generation.


Google is now so clever that it can identify searcher intent—meaning it can identify why people are searching for your home improvement and remodeling company.

However, Google is not so clever that your home improvement company’s keyword strategy shouldn’t longer matter.  In case you were confused, keywords are words or phrases that help search engines match your remodeling company’s website, to home improvement leads (clients) that are actually searching for it!

This mean is that when doing your remodeling company’s keyword research, you should keep your website user’s intent in mind.

For example, if someone types the keyword or search term ‘bathroom remodeling’ into Google, the search results provided are:

  • Various web pages answering the question: ‘What is bathroom remodeling?’
  • Various bathroom remodeling ideas
  • Bathroom remodeling parts (sinks, tile, etc.)


The search results are extremely broad. In order to find exactly what we are looking for; a home improvement lead would actually need to provide Google with a bit more information- their ‘intent’.  Our intent in this example could be:

  • Learn about bathroom remodeling for DIY projects
  • Find out how much a bathroom remodel project would cost
  • Locate local bathroom remodeling companies


Although Google is getting clever at matching ‘user intent’ based on searches, remodeling company website owners should not allow their potential home improvement leads to rely on Google to drive traffic to their websites.

When reviewing your home improvement company’s website, research the keywords visitors are most likely to use when seeking your remodeling company’s services, and also think about their intent in searching for your company.

Ultimately this will allow your home improvement company to:

  • Create remodeling website pages that will be found by home improvement leads
  • Be best able to answer new remodeling client’s questions.
  • Make Google love your home improvement company and drive more leads to your website!

Step 2. Review your home improvement company’s website for meta titles and meta descriptions


Did you know that your remodeling company’s websites meta titles and meta descriptions are your first opportunity to sell and gain more home improvement leads?

Review your remodeling website for SEO –make sure your meta titles and meta descriptions:

  • Accurately and concisely convey what your individual remodeling website pages are about
  • Are keyword/key phrase rich to drive more home improvement leads
  • Written persuasively to attract home improvement leads to visit your company’s website.


Step 3: Review your home improvement company’s website text for SEO, customer focus and conversion for home improvement leads.


All home improvement professionals should know, that having great SEO is more than just about clever coding by some ‘tech guy.”

To be found in the search engines is my first priority. But to generate leads, my content must be clear, customer focused and above all written for conversion.

Therefore, it is worth taking some time to review your remodeling company’s website pages to ensure they answer important questions for home improvement lead generation:

  • Who are you?
  • What does your home improvement company do?
  • How do your remodeling products or services help your clients?
  • Where can your remodeling clients find more information?
  • What do your home improvement leads do next?


Step 4: Make sure Google can identify your home improvement company’s images


The home improvement industry, remodeling business and design are extremely visual!

And since we live in this industry, it is so important to include images in our remodeling company’s website content.

However, search engine crawlers find it difficult to identify any type of images.  As good home improvement marketers and lead generators, we must provide a text alternative to my images, otherwise known as ‘alt text’.  Adding this ‘alt text’ helps the inspiring images of your remodeling projects be indexed by Google.

Step 5: Review your remodeling company’s local SEO strategy for home improvement lead generation


There are thousands of remodeling company’s out there. How can one company ensure that can be found by the people most likely to use their services?

This is where Google My Business fits in. It is a free listing provided by Google. It is specifically geared to making it easier for local prospective home improvement leads find you.  To learn more about Google My Business for your home improvement company visit Google’s website here.

Review your listing to make sure it is accurate and the information is optimized for your remodeling company to obtain home improvement leads in your area.

Of course, if your home improvement company needs assistance in conducting a review of your website content find out about The Marketing Corner’s free website audit. A full review of your site will uncover ways for you to:

  • Drive more traffic to your site
  • Drive more inquiries to help you to achieve your home improvement lead generation goals.

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