6 Guaranteed Ways Your Home Improvement Company Tweets can Break Twitter

Ellen Breaks Twitter with her Oscar Selfie- How your Home Improvement Marketing Team can rival her tweet!

Tweet Tweet!  Twitter has established itself as the ultimate platform for sharing content, and for yesterday’s Oscar celebration it was no different.  Thousands of tweets were sent out by celebs, brands, and fans sharing in the glitz and glamour of the night.  However, it was just one tweet that “broke” Twitter.

The host of the 2014 Oscars Ellen DeGeneres sent out the star-stuffed selfie that became “the most retweeted  tweet ever” according to Twitter.  As of about 8:45 a.m. ET Monday, the shot of Ellen with stars such as Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Spacey, Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt had been retweeted nearly 2.6 million times.

home-improvement-marketing-retweeted-tweetSo how can home improvement marketing teams create the perfect tweet?  Ellen made it look easy.  Grab a great selfie and have your followers retweet it!  But there is more.  Its easy to make mistakes that can be costly–leaving your tweet and content ignored.  Having your home improvement marketing team strategically send out tweets will increase your home improvement leads dramatically.

There are only two things that count when striving for the perfect tweet for home improvement lead generation:

Maximum readabilityMaximum retweetability

6 Rules for the Perfect Home Improvement Marketing Tweet

1.  Think like your Audience

For your tweet to be perfect, it needs to appeal most to your followers, to the majority of your network, and not to you.  Take the time to craft the perfect tweet for maximum home improvement marketing effectiveness.  When your writing the 140 character text, think about what would make your audience want to learn more.

2. Stand out from the Crowd

Take a moment to peruse your Twitter feed. Refresh the page. Who stands out? Why?  Today, home improvement marketing teams need to produce quality headlines and content for their tweets to be popular.  Do you have a new tip sheet for your consumers, are you promoting a home makeover contest?  Craft your tweet so that your audience will care what you have to say.  Local contractors and remodelers should take notice of what else is going on in their communities to “news-jack” their next tweet.

3. Sell but Don’t Oversell

People need a good reason to click on your tweet.  Things move fast, and one or two minutes later– your tweet will be way gone.  A good home improvement marketing team will write your copy so that people feel impulsed to click on your tweet.  The trick though is people don’t want to be sold–sure they want your info, they just don’t want the cheesy door to door sales mentality.  Make a promise, offer a sale, but don’t use “click here to buy my stuff”–honestly no one will care.  Have your home improvement marketing team create outstanding and compelling copy, and you’ll be in business.

4. Yes, Grammar Counts

Twitter is your chance to make a good impression.  By using poor grammar and punctuation, people are less likely to think you or your opinion matters.  Use correct spelling, capital letters, and for goodness don’t SHOUT!  Read your tweet outloud before sending it… does it make sense?  Remember your home improvement marketing team only has one chance to make a good impression—even at 140 characters (or less).

5.  Obey the Magic Number

The magic retweet number is the number of blank characters you should have at the end of your tweet to insure maximum retweetability.  Currently, many studies believe that this magic number is around 20.  Meaning, your headline should be 100 characters, a URL link could be 20, and your the blank characters 20.

While valuable and relevant content of a tweet is what is going to inspire others to retweet it, knowing the magic retweet number can make getting retweets valuable to your home improvement marketing. If your tweet is longer, perhaps someone might have to cut down  your headline, or even your Twitter name, forcing you and your home improvement marketing team to lose credibility of the original content.

6. Shorten those Links

Don’t learn the hard way–studies have shown that most retweeted tweet’s links are shortened with Bit.ly.  Take this chart

home-improvement-marketing-twitter-retweetsIn order for your home improvement marketing strategy to get the most retweets from Twitter, take care to use this tool to shorten your URLs so that your quality content will be shared throughout the Internet.


Twitter can be a game changer in your home improvement marketing plans.  Using Twitter to connect with your customers in an engaging manner can increase your home improvement leads.  Though your tweets might not “break Twitter” like Ellen’s did, using these tips will surly make your content retweetable.

Are you looking for the secret for better home improvement leads through Twitter?  The Marketing Corner helps contractors and remodelers set up their Twitter page, and produce remarkable content. Reach out to us today to learn how we can rebuild your marketing!


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