Why Your Remodeling Company Needs Social Media NOW!
Everyday, it seems like more and more Social Media networks are popping up! As home improvement professionals, It has become difficult to keep up with them; in fact, it has turned into a full-time job. With so many different social media networks many remodeling companies rule them out completely without bothering to acknowledge the fact that just about every customer or potential home improvement lead is on one of the social media networks. While The Marketing Corner agrees that not every home improvement business needs to be on every single new social media network–in order to maximize your potential to find more home improvement leads remodeling companies should be on at least 1 major social media network.
So why do remodeling companies need social media? Does Social Media really bring home improvement leads?
Here are 4 reasons home improvement professionals are missing out:
1) Connection
You may have a successful home improvement business, but if you are not connecting with your customers or potential home improvement leads on a personal level you are missing out big time. Social media allows new customers (home improvement leads) to get to know how the remodeling company thinks, how they feel, and most importantly it gives your remodeling company a voice; a voice that customers (or future home improvement leads) may love. Once remodeling companies make a personal connection– they have found a customer for life. At the end of the day, isn’t one of the strongest and best quality home improvement leads a referral? Imagine, if we could all strive for having repeat customers and quality referrals?
2) Popularity
This isn’t high school– but who doesn’t like to be liked once in a while? In high school, popularity can get you perks. In the home improvement and remodeling business world popularity gets you referrals; intentional or not. If a customer is commenting on your Facebook page or interacting with you via Twitter, their friends and followers will see the comment and may be interested in what your company does. Now you’ve just found a whole new audience for potential home improvement leads. Next, the bystander becomes a fan of your home improvement business page, and from a fan– and now potential home improvement lead– to a loyal customer.
3) Feedback
Home improvement companies are notorious for getting feedback from their customers. After all–who doesn’t leave a comment card for the customer after the job is done. Welcome to the comment card of 2018–social media. Social Media is a great way to get feedback from your customers and showcase off your work to future home improvement leads! It has been proven that when customers have anything to share about their experience with a company, they almost always share it on some type of social media website. Forget the surveys and comment cards– and listen to what your customers are writing on social media. What your customer says shows right to potential home improvement leads. The more feedback you get from customers the better your home improvement and remodeling business becomes.
4) Product Showcase
Are you a home improvement product manufacturer and have a new product or service launching? Now is the time to share your experiences on social media! Your fans and followers can share your information with their friends–and your future home improvement leads! This ripple effect will be the best source of viral marketing for your home improvement business! Free promotion of your home improvement products and remodeling services, translates into a greater audience interested in your company and future home improvement leads!