The Secret to Fix All Your Home Improvement Marketing Challenges

Your Home Improvement Marketing Challenges Fixed.

If you are a remodeling business owner, you probably have felt there are many times you want to tear your hair out.  There is so much to think about; financials, employees, customers, product and services, and of course bringing in new business with home improvement marketing!

home-improvement-marketing-leads-ownersOften many people feel overwhelmed by how much piles up on their “to do list” that it tends to be exhausting and nothing gets done!

When it comes to home improvement marketing, often business owners leave it to the waste-side. Other areas of the business are often in their face and need their attention immediately.

Often remodelers see other companies doing smart home improvement marketing things, but they can’t bring those ideas back into their companies because they are too busy working ‘in’ the business to work ‘on’ the business.Remodelers have many challenges when it comes to home improvement marketing and it begins with knowing what their objectives are. Many home improvement professionals want sales and then they can worry about their company brand and home improvement marketing later.  Which should come first–its like “the chicken or the egg.”  A brand is not just a logo as we all know and it needs some good home improvement marketing to make it stick.

Most small business owners have some great home improvement marketing ideas or they know what they like about other marketing, but unfortunately can never do it themselves.

Other remodelers, have no idea why anyone would invest in actually creating a home improvement marketing brand, and would rather put money into advertising…(and then wonder why they fail.)

Hire Smart for Your Home Improvement Marketing Success

Once convincing contractors and remodeling business owners, that a good strategic home improvement marketing plan will help build sales–the question becomes who to hire?  Do you hire a PR firm, an advertising agency, a marketing firm, or a design firm?  Don’t they all do the same thing?


Is a full time marketing employee better?  Could they handle all the day to day processes of the home improvement marketing?  Do they all have the same experiences and degrees?


Why not hire a freelancer? Someone one day a week, or per month, or whenever you need them?  Wouldn’t this be the most cost effective way?Many home improvement businesses fail in the first 5 years.  This is due to a poor business plan, and an even poorer home improvement marketing plan to bring in their leads.

To create an effective return on any home improvement marketing activity, remodeling professionals and contractors really need to have a very clear expectations and a key set of performance indicators.  Home improvement marketing teams should list the activities that they are investing their time and energy into and what an expected return on investment might yield.    An effective home improvement marketing strategy will grow more then just sales of your company, but create a winning brand presence, an effective marketing strategy,and consumer satisfaction beyond all expectations.

If you are like thousands of remodelers and contractors who are facing the challenge of whether or not to step up your home improvement marketing, its time you weigh the options;

A experienced marketing executive salary begins around $80,000/yr while a Marketing Director costs you minimum $100K.A quality agency prepared to handle your account may charge $5,000 per week, and additional services on top of that.Freelancers are cheap…until they are gone, lose interest, or find a permanent job.  Plus are they able to manage all aspects of your home improvement marketing?Finally, you could hire an outsourced home improvement marketing team like the model that The Marketing Corner has. For as little as $500 per week, you can have your marketing department run smoothly, efficiently by a professional and experienced team manage all aspects of your home improvement marketing.

Food for thought.  The choice is yours.

If you’re interested in speaking to The Marketing Corner on how we can remodel your marketing, we’d love to talk!  Contact us today for a free no-obligation home improvement marketing strategy overview and let’s start growing your business!


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