7 Tips To Build Your Business With Facebook

Top Tips To Build Your Remodeling Company With Facebook

With 1.3 billion people (think- potential home improvement leads) accessing Facebook every month using 20 million apps each day, Facebook is an invaluable tool that can be used successfully in the home improvement, building, and remodeling industry. The question is, how can Facebook best work to bring home improvement leads to your business?

If you’re like most remodeling company owners, your day is already filled with everything it takes to keep your company running and successful.  If you don’t have a professional home improvement marketing team there are some simple ways to use Facebook for your business to capture home improvement leads that aren’t overwhelming.

New Home Improvement Leads Love Great Images

There are two primary images Facebook uses to identify your homepage: the cover photo, that small square in the upper left-hand corner; and the banner, the long horizontal image that dominates the top of the page.

For remodeling businesses, the cover image should be used for company logos, while the banner can serve as an excellent place to showcase your building products and remodeling services to engage with home improvement leads.  If your remodeling company is running any special events, promotions, or seasonal offerings, your business should update its Facebook banner image.  Remember, keep in mind that Facebook is an extension of your home improvement company, so to effectively communicate your company to home improvement leads, it should be consistent with your company’s voice across all of your home improvement marketing pieces.

Also, be sure to include relevant and flattering images with your Facebook Posts.  More of your Facebook audience, and more importantly more home improvement leads are sure to engage with your Facebook posts if they are accompanied by an image.

Take advantage of the About section

Include a brief description of what your building or remodeling company does and how you serve your customers and home improvement leads is great for the About section. This is also a good place for your mission statement, website, contact information and anything else that will help home improvement leads better understand how your company can help them. It’s also a good place to include links to any other social media profiles you have such as a Twitter, YouTube, etc.

To Drive More Home Improvement Leads Use Tabs

Tabs on Facebook are a great way to engage home improvement leads and help them convert as a follower of your Facebook page.  Experiment with the different options available for hosting contests, providing optimized videos of customer testimonials and job sites and updating photo albums with completed remodeling jobs.  Also, again, be sure to include links to your business’s other platforms as well. Adding social media platforms on all of your online sites, provides new home improvement leads a complete picture of your business—what you do, who your clients are and how you interact with them.

New Home Improvement Leads Expect Engagement

Its true, in today’s society, customers view Facebook as a digital customer service channel that is open 24/7.  Responding to customers via your social media channels as quickly as possible is important especially in gaining the trust of new home improvement leads.  If a customer or new home improvement lead posts a question on your business Facebook page, it is extremely important that you respond within 24 hours.

When The Marketing Corner works with remodeling companies or builders, we respond to all inquiries from fans via social media within hours.  We are constantly working to showcase our home improvement and remodeling customer’s great customer service across all their social media sites.

Track Your Progress- Gain More Home Improvement Leads and Sales!

Facebook offers some great analytic tools for tracking your Facebook page activity.  This information is viewable on your Page Insights dashboard and definitely important for remodeling business owners to understand the power of social media marketing and gaining home improvement leads. On this dashboard, a business owner can review post engagement, likes and shares to see what type of information is being shared across all your platforms.

Post That Get More Home Improvement Leads

Posts that get and keep the attention of fans and future home improvement customers mostly are accompanied by an image. Your future home improvement leads that are on Facebook love to share!  It’s reported that 91% of mobile Internet access is for social activities. Ask your fans and potential future home improvement leads questions and get them involved by running contests about your remodeling company!

Use Facebook Ads To Target New Home Improvement Leads

If you have the budget, Facebook ads are a great way to reach new customers and target home improvement leads.  Facebook makes it easy to define your audience, choose your demographic, and set a realistic budget to get a good home improvement marketing ROI.


There are a variety of different ways to use Facebook to build your remodeling, building, or home improvement business.  Implementing just some of the tips above will get you started, and make you successful to find home improvement leads via social media.  Most importantly, the key is to monitor and engage your Facebook fans daily and keep them informed on what is going on with your remodeling company.

For more quick tips on how to build your business using social media, visit more of our home improvement lead generation and marketing Tools4Pros articles on Social Media.


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