Home Improvement Leads and the First Page of Google–A Perfect Pair

The First Page of Google is Important to Home Improvement Leads

Are you spending more money on your Yellow Pages ads than Internet marketing?  Why?  Do more of your customers use the yellow pages than the Internet?

If you’re a home improvement or remodeling professional and still think that the two-color, half-page ad you are running in your local yellow pages directory is a justifiably better for home improvement lead generation than spending a little bit of money on your Internet presence, you may want to reconsider.

Your home improvement leads are searching for you

You do it all the time.  Consider this–its 8:04pm and I am freezing in my home in Chicago.  Yes, its been cold here, and my heat just went out. What do I do?  What would you do?  You’d pick up your phone, ipad, or even go to your computer and type into Google, “heating repair Chicago.”  You didn’t run to your yellow pages did you?

Home improvement leads and the internet
Where are your home improvement leads searching for you?

To many home improvement and remodelers, internet marketing can be a scary and expensive concept.  However, the best thing about the Internet, is that you–yes you–determine the price that you want to pay for more home improvement leads.  There is no advertising salesman on the other end trying to negotiate better rates for you if you continue to spend money with their company.  To get started, you’ll first want to understand the difference between paid and organic search, and then learn what SEO is compared to Google Adwords.  You can set a budget per day and evaluate that budget as more home improvement leads come to your website.  Again, its always best to leave your marketing to a professional to get the best overall value and ROI.  To learn more about why your company needs a marketing department check out our article:

Home Improvement Marketing Should Be Left To The Professionals

Your best value for home improvement leads

Old marketing tactics are changing and are not nearly as effective as they once used to be.  The Marketing Corner focuses on strategically bringing remodelers the best value for home improvement leads.  We blend traditional marketing methods with “new” marketing, in order to maximize your marketing spend.  

Its time you reconsidered how your customer finds your business, and why ranking on the first page of Google is so important to home improvement leads today.

Are you marketing with the Yellow Pages and getting good results?  Share how you’re measuring your success below.  If you’re looking for help with home improvement leads and would like to use traditional and new marketing methods, contact The Marketing Corner and set up your Free marketing consultation today!

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