The Number 1 Thing Your Home Improvement Marketing Plans Need Today

4 Ways Blogging Will Help Your Home Improvement Marketing Plans

A company blog is an extremely useful tool for all home improvement marketing plans.  A good blog will give others a glimpse into your remodeling company, promote products and services, and also increase lead generation.  If you are running a remodeling company’s website without a blog, you are missing out on some large opportunities for home improvement lead generation and to increase your website traffic.

Blogging is Important to Your Home Improvement Marketing Plans

Many home improvement marketing plans include creating a deep and trusting relationship with your potential clients.  If you (or someone on your company’s home improvement marketing team) has the writing skills and creativity, a company blog is a great way to do this efficiently.Blogging gives you an easy vehicle for your home improvement marketing team to keep your website fresh.  This creates in the mind of your potential leads that your company is “alive” and constantly on the forefront of today’s consumers.  What would you be more impressed with:  a website that hasn’t had a change in 9 months, or one where the owners and home improvement marketing team are writing about relevant topics and sharing their expertise?  Obviously, as educated consumers, we constantly want access to the best industry knowledge on the most relevant topics, and your home improvement marketing team can accomplish this through a good blog.home-improvement-marketing-bloggingHaving your home improvement marketing team continuously update your website content will help your search rankings on sites such as Google.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complex topic, but very basically, adding fresh content to your website will dramatically increase your likelihood to show up on the first page of Google.  As we talked about previously, your home improvement marketing plans should aim to have your company on the first page of Google–especially for local search. One of the top ways to rank high on search engines including Google, is to have lots of relevant new content added to your site.  Your home improvement marketing team should become your content creating team.Unlike formal home improvement marketing copy and text that is difficult to put together and has to go though many different revisions, writing a blog article is relatively simple.  Not everyone in your organization should have to approve a blog entry, and your home improvement marketing team should be able to write creatively and effectively.  Additionally, with blogging, there really isn’t an expectation that your writing is perfect, so just creating good content and posting it on your website should be enough to drive home improvement leads to your website.

So, if you haven’t yet started a blog for your remodeling business, it’s definitely something you should consider.  Your home improvement marketing should be focused around building an audience and relating to your customers and you can accomplish this through a good blog.

For more information on how to begin to create a good blog, feel free to contact The Marketing Corner and we can go over your home improvement marketing plans for free!  We’ll show you exactly how to integrate a blog into your current home improvement marketing mix.

Are you currently deciding on adding a blog into your home improvement marketing strategy? Or have you already been blogging?  Have you seen the results?  We’d love to hear from you below!

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