Free Home Improvement Leads With Google Places

Google Places Can Bring Free Home Improvement Leads To Contractors and Remodelers

If you are looking for free home improvement leads…look no further!  Claiming and optimizing your Google places page is no cost and can bring in many free home improvement leads!


Google has made several advances in their algorithms to make search friendly to local users.  By home improvement remodeling professionals and contractors capitalizing on their Google places page, many free home improvement leads can be found!  A well optimized Google Places page can mean a valuable first page spot on Google with an opportunity for free home improvement leads.

Everyone needs to take advantage of a Google Places page… and the best part is–its free!

Submit Your Site For Free Home Improvement Leads

Google makes setting up your google places page incredibly easy.  In less then five minutes, your business could be bringing in many free home improvement leads.  There are a few simple steps to get started:

Free Home Improvement Leads Step 1:

Visit this link.  After you agree to the terms and conditions, begin to fill out your business information to get those free home improvement leads!

The below image is an example of what you will see once you have filled in your information.  Make sure when you fill out your email address it is your business email!  If you still need a business email follow these simple steps for more free home improvement leads.


Free Home Improvement Leads Step 2:

You’ll next be asked to verify your business.  This will come automatically in the mail from Google. This ensures that your home improvement business is actually where you say it is.  For now, we will continue and verify later.





Free Home Improvement Leads Step 3: 

Fill out information regarding your business, and other useful information to have you receive free home improvement leads.

This is the last step in finalizing your Google places page.  As you can see from the screen shot below there are a few steps that are needed in order for you to begin showing up on Google, and receiving your free home improvement leads.  The side bar there are listing information, AdWords Express, Offers, and Insights.


Please note: none of the changes you make will be effective until you verify your business (as in step 2).  Again, once you receive this postcard you’ll be able to be receiving free home improvement leads.

Extra Steps: Get started with AdWords Express.

The AdWords Express tab will take you to a new page where you can find your customers, and actually target them on Google.  Again, using this isn’t necessary right away, but you will be able to set budgets, set up keywords, and get free home improvement leads.

It’s as simple as that!  When you are a verified Google Places listing your edits to all the pages will be live.

Finally, make sure you optimize your site correctly, so that it shows up on the first page of Google for free home improvement leads.

Make sure you fill in all of the information allowed (description, contact info, hours, headline, address etc.).High quality photos of your jobs, your company, etc will do well on your page.Continually try to add customer reviews on your Google+ pageAdd keywords that your customers are searching for home improvement business.Add your Google Listing on your website and in your email signature.

Claiming your business isn’t going to do much for free home improvement leads if your listing isn’t optimized.  Make sure you put relevant customer information, business information, and update it constantly.

Get Free Home Improvement Leads with Google Places

So a quick recap of Google Places:

Google Places is one of the most effective ways to get your website in front of your local home improvement customers.Visit this link to get and claim your business.  Its easy and free!You can use AdWords Express to quickly create an ad for your customers.Make sure you optimize your Google Places page so that you can bring in new free home improvement leads.

If you still need some help with your Google Places page, please feel free to contact us at The Marketing Corner, and we can assist you in setting up your page.  The Marketing Corner, also offers services to update and enhance all of your social media throughout the Internet.  We’ll work with you and your budget to provide you with the best opportunities in your local marketplace.

Is your home improvement company using Google Places or Google+ Local? Have you seen any improvements in your traffic? Let us know your story below!

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