Improve your home improvement marketing with a professional designer.
Recently The Marketing Corner has been reaching out to local contractors and assisting them with some of their home improvement marketing related questions. One of the main topics that surfaced relates to professional design in home improvement marketing. Earlier this month, we wrote an article on the importance of hiring a professional home improvement marketing team to ramp up your lead generation efforts. We discussed how home improvement marketing should be left to the professionals, and “cost saving measures” or what we like to refer to as cheap resources, are not always better. (See Our Article: Home Improvement Marketing Should Be Left To The Professionals).Since our article had a terrific response, we wanted to touch more on the importance of having your design done by a professional home improvement marketing team.
Why Your Home Improvement Marketing Team Needs A Graphic Designer
Dr. Ralph Speth, the CEO Jaguar said, “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”
Are you thinking about designing a new brochure for your remodeling company? Perhaps you might want to update your business cards or company letterhead? Don’t waste time and money by doing it yourself–you need a professional graphic designer on your home improvement marketing team!
1. A professional designer saves you time and money!
You are a home improvement professional. You know how to build homes, remodel bathrooms, transform outdoor spaces…..however, creativity and design may not be your speciality. That’s where a professional graphic designer will add benefit to your home improvement marketing. Design and creativity is their area of expertise. Not only will a designer be able to finish your tasks quickly, but they will also make it look professional. This will eventually save you money, as your customers will appreciate the new level of professionalism you showcase throughout your home improvement marketing collateral.
2. Your Home Improvement Marketing Will Stand Out From Your Competition.
What separates successful companies from their competition? Its their brand image. Your home improvement marketing team will create a professional image that will make you shine compared to your competition. Imagine if all of your marketing pieces looked uniformed? Thats what big brands do, and with a professional designer working on your home improvement marketing, your remodeling company will also look like a fortune 500 company!
3. A designer will look objectively at your home improvement marketing!
Many remodeling owners are too involved in their company to actually take an objective look at their home improvement marketing materials. We’ve heard it time and time again…if my ad works, why change it? But imagine… if changing your home improvement marketing collateral could improve your leads? When you hire a graphic designer, you are hiring another set of eyes to your home improvement market team. A good designer knows how to set calls to action on websites, brochures, etc so that potential customers actually take action! You’ll run smarter advertisements with a higher return on your investment.
4. A graphic designer is on your home improvement marketing team.
Maybe you’ve always relied on the sales person from your local advertisement company to put together your ad. Or perhaps your local sign shop can create a banner for you for a minimal charge. However these people are in no way an acceptable solution for your own designer on your home improvement marketing team. Many times local magazines or mailer companies have templates that they use to create everyones advertisements. These companies don’t resonate your brand image, instead they complete the task with the resources they have available. A designer on your home improvement marketing team is just that. They look out for your brand, your company, and your sales…100% of the time.
Think you can’t afford a graphic designer? Think again. The Marketing Corner is a team of individuals designed to improve your home improvement marketing. Affordable for any size business we increase lead generation by professionally transforming your home improvement marketing.
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