5 Quick and Easy Ways to Fix Your Failing Home Improvement Website

Fix Your Home Improvement Website Fast.

There are many reasons why your home improvement website is failing. Perhaps it might be a poor layout, mediocre content, missing links, bad navigation, or even disastrous design. Sure you website might look pretty, but is it really converting your visitors into leads? If not, its time you looked at a new approach to the home improvement website.

Here is the good news. There are many websites on the Internet that are really building a following and converting many customer–and so can yours! To start though, you must understand that a good home improvement website is made up of two simple steps- 1. Getting found online by your customers and 2. converting those visitors into leads.

Here’s how to fix your home improvement website:

Step 1: Organize Your Home Improvement Website:

Taking the time to do your research and talk to your existing customers will help you come up with a strategic plan for your keyword strategy. Once your keyword strategy is established, you can begin to layout the framework for the site. What products or services do you want to feature on your home improvement website? How will you feature your business? Much organization in the beginning of building your home improvement website will increase your leads and sales.

home-improvement-website-marketing-lead-generation-fixStep 2: Be Clear on Your Home Improvement Website:

Write for the masses, not for an industry expert. Remember the way that you talk about your company’s home improvement products or services, is not necessarily how your customers will talk about products. Remember that your customers are the ones searching for your home improvement website–and your competition is just one click away. Make your headlines bold and easy to read. Add meta tags and unique titles to pages. Explore using alt text on all of your images. Be clear and concise and make your visitor want to learn more.

Step 3: Ask for The Sale on your Home Improvement Website:

You wouldn’t believe how many home improvement websites don’t ask for the business. As a business owner you would never send out your sales team to run a lead without asking for the sale, so why would you not do the same on your home improvement website? Remember to use effective calls to action like “call us today,” “learn more,” or “contact us for_____.” Although these may seem like basic calls to action for your home improvement website, they are still very viable in today’s market.

Step 4: Your Home Improvement Website Should Give Something Away:

All good marketers give away something of value to gain the sale. To make a resourceful home improvement website, your company should give your visitors something of value which will entice them to want to buy from your company. Your home improvement website could offer a download of your brochure, a reason to remodel guide, or a download on why you’re the best company for them. Whatever it is, once you give something of value away on your home improvement website, you will have many more satisfied customers.

Step 5: Brag–and Brag A Lot on Your Home Improvement Website:

Sure a testimonial page is nice, but what if you sprinkled in glowing customer reviews throughout your entire home improvement website! Have your past customers work for your home improvement lead generation! In today’s marketplace, customers and fans have the power to create brands. ( For proof, just talk to rap duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis–it was there fans alone that made them popular) Ask your customers for reviews and even try to get a couple great videos. Posting this content throughout your home improvement website will sure to turn it into a power selling machine.


Adopt these simple fixes and your home improvement website will be your best source for lead generation. To find out what simple fixes could be made to your website receive a free home improvement marketing and lead generation consultation today!  Your website will be a lead producing powerhouse!

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